It's been a busy week and I haven't had a chance to post anything in the last few days. I wanted to share why I chose "Learn, Live, Hope" as my description on this blog. One of my favorite quotes from Albert Einstein reads:
I've seen many variations of this quote, all with the same idea in mind. Learn from your mistakes and experiences of the past, live fully in the present, and have high expectations for the future. This has been one my my guiding philosophies for my life.
I have made more mistakes than I would care to share here. Although painful and embarrassing at times, I have learned a great deal from the mistakes of the past. I have no doubts these life lessons have prepared me for where I am today.
Learning from the mistakes of the day before also seems to fit appropriately with student teaching. Every evening I come home, I reflect on how I could have done something differently. I am constantly learning and adjusting what I do to the needs of the students and the classroom.
I have trouble with this one. I spend considerable time reflecting on the past and looking forward to the future and not as much time really living in the moment. I am trying to get better at this. I've been making a conscious effort to come home, put the computer away and just play with our daughter. The other day I picked our daughter up from preschool and instead of rushing straight home, we went to the park and played for an hour. I know this might not seem like much to some of you, but for me (someone who always has to be "accomplishing" something), it's huge steps forward. :)
Hope is my favorite word. Earlier this year, my cooperating teacher had the students share their favorite word during our community circle time. I had not given it much thought before then. When I thought about different words and meanings, I came up with the word "hope". Just the word alone makes me happy. It gives me the sense that if I keep moving forward, great things are sure to come. It's also been a word that has sustained me through difficult times. Well, it turns out that it's also one of my cooperating teacher's favorite words. Great minds think alike. :)
For me, hope applies to my personal and professional life. I have high hopes for my daughter, my marriage, my home, my extended family, and my friends. Hopes for health, prosperity, and dreams realized. I also have the highest hopes and expectations for my students. No matter where they come from or their current circumstance, I believe they have the opportunity to succeed.
I hope you find the words that inspire you today. :)

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